Centre des métiers du cuir de Montréal

With its international reputation, CMCM’s DEC in leather craftsmanship is fostering a strong, competitive and well-equipped next generation of leather workers in tune with the current market. The classes are led by professional artisans who established themselves as leather craftsman and women  with experiences ranging from techniques and know how to business management and entrepreneurship. They are always on the lookout for new emerging technologies that would further support the production of leather goods.
Photo : CMCM

the school

Since 1989, the Centre des Métiers du Cuir de Montréal (CMCM) has been involved in education, research and promotion of leather craftsmanship. Starting in 1996,  it partners with Cégep du Vieux Montréal, to offer the leather craftsmanship Program (DEC). 

Each year, in addition to the DEC, a program of a dozen of recreational trainings in leather craftsmanship and shoe making are offered to the general public. Lastly, let’s not forget the continued development courses offered to experienced craftspeople, in partnership with the Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec (CMAQ). In short, the CMCM is at the heart of Montreal’s leather craftsmanship community.

Where to find us

911, rue Jean-Talon Est, bureau 108
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