Centre design et impression textile de Montréal

Since 1989, the Centre design et impression textile de Montréal has been offering the Technique de métiers d’art college program, textile printing option. This 3-year program is oriented towards textile design and small series printing.
Photo : CDITM

the school

In the wake of the Plan national de formation en métiers d’art, the Centre design et impression textile de Montréal was founded in 1985 by Robert Lamarre and Monique Beauregard, textile designers and creators.

In addition to college training, the Centre design et impression textile de Montréal offers the Creative Approach to Textiles course in the Bachelor of Fashion Design program at the École supérieure de mode/UQÀM.

Workshops for the general public as well as advanced courses in textile finishing are also offered according to the demand of designers and designers-manufacturers.

Where to find us

4710, rue St-Ambroise, espace 326
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