National Circus School

International in scope, the National Circus School is a higher-education institution for the arts providing programs at the high school and post-secondary levels. It is dedicated to the education and training of professional circus artists, as well as to research and innovation in the circus arts and their pedagogy.
Photo : Roland Lorente

the school

Internationally renowned for highest-quality training, the School opens its doors to more than 150 students from around the world. Since its founding in 1981, the National Circus School has played a crucial role in the development of circus arts in Canada and abroad. As a pioneer of the circus renaissance in Canada, the School has also contributed to the emergence of such circus companies as Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Éloize and The 7 Fingers. The School has become a world reference in the teaching of circus disciplines. It is also renowned as an international research centre for circus arts. More than ever, the National Circus School today serves as an incubator of inspiration, where performers-creators and designers find their voices, stimulating greater diversity in circus art forms and aesthetics.

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